Opening Day Agendas should be finding their way to staff members via mail and email soon, but you can find a copy here too!
over 2 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
CIS attended the Summer Conference at Stonewall Jackson Resort July 19-22.
over 2 years ago, Nicole Hevener
CIS Conference
CIS Conference
CIS Conference
Holly See leads a thorough discussion of health services provided in Pendleton County Schools. What a great job Holly and her team of nurses do for Pendleton County!
over 2 years ago, JP Mowery
Holly See -- School Nurse
Back to School? Not quite yet, but administrators and school leaders are attending staff development today and tomorrow. This morning's session is "What Great Principals Do Differently" with our trainer, former principal/school administrator Rick Linaburg!
over 2 years ago, JP Mowery
Rick Linaburg back to school training July 26, 2022
Middle Schools boys basketball will work out tomorrow at PCMHS from 6-7:30pm.
over 2 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Parents of students in 6th grade attending Brandywine and North Fork Elementary School and students attending grades 7 through 12, please complete the following survey to help the Board of Education decide if provided transportation would support the extracurricular programs offered at Pendleton County Middle/High School such as band, drama club, soccer, track, volley ball, football, and other such clubs and sports.
over 2 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
If you wish to enroll your student for virtual school, you will need to complete the following form by Friday, July 15th: Virtual School for this school year is open to students in grades 6th-12th only. If you wish to enroll a student in Virtual School who is not currently enrolled in Pendleton County Schools, you must contact Lori Moore at 304-358-2207 ext 123 to complete the enrollment process.
over 2 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Reminder! Early registration closes this Friday, July 1st for our PenCo Basketball Camp. We will continue to take signups after that up until the start of camp, but those campers WILL NOT get a t-shirt and ball. For more information, or to access the form for registration please visit:
over 2 years ago, Pendleton County Middle/High School
BBall Camp Registration form, link to PDF
Just a Reminder: Summer Success Academy (SSA) starts next week for students who signed up! -SSA will be held Tuesdays-Fridays starting June 14th and ending July 8th -SSA will be from 8am-2pm -Breakfast and lunch will be provided
over 2 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
PenCo Basketball camp is back! Information should have been sent home with students, but if you need more information, or to access the form for registration please visit:
over 2 years ago, Pendleton County Middle/High School
BBall Summer Camp
Middle School Boys Basketball Summer Workout Schedule for 6-8th graders for 22-23 All times are 6-7:30 and will be at PCMHS ---any changes will come out via school messenger June 13 June 15 June 27 June 29 July 6 July 18 Wildcat Basketball Camp is July 25th - July 29th
over 2 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
The Pendleton County Library has released their summer reading program, Oceans of Possibilities, schedule.
over 2 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
library days
Big things happening in Pendleton County…new roof for the bus garage!!
almost 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
new roof for bus garage
new roof for bus garage
The Pendleton County FFA Greenhouse will be open starting this Friday, April 22nd!
almost 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 19th PCS will be operating on a 2 hour delay.
almost 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Delay notice
Pendleton County Schools will be operating on a 3 hour delay tomorrow, March 30th.
almost 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
3 hour delay
almost 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
BES Lunch Menu
FES Lunch Menu
NFES Lunch Menu
PCMHS Lunch Menu
Marshall University to host Governor's School of Entrepreneurship in Summer 2022 - Application Deadline Extended to April 15 See link below:
almost 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Governor's School Deadline Extended to April 15
WOW! We are proud of our students who all worked so hard today at Regional Math Field Day and want to give an extra shout out to these students who placed. Way to go! 👏🏻👏🏻
almost 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Regional Math Field Day Winners
Good luck to all of our County Math Field Day Winners as they compete today at Regionals!
almost 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Regional Math Field Day Participants