Join Libby and Robert Strong of Wheeling’s SMART-Center for a telescopic tour of the dark skies over Franklin, WV on the evening of Saturday, November 16th, 2024. Our BSA will be selling concessions before the watch party from 5-6pm with the StarWatch party fun starting at 7:00 pm.
Bring your family, bring your friends, and invite your neighbors to this Dark Sky Party.
If the night is clear, we hope to see the Milky Way rising out of the south-south-western sky – passing overhead and appearing to merge with the north-eastern horizon. The Milky Way, our home-galaxy, is packed full of deep-space wonders. We hope to see several kinds of Star Clusters, Double Stars, Nebula, and other distant Galaxies.
If you have a telescope and / or binoculars, bring them for even more astronomy fun.
The Dark Skies Expansion Project StarWatch Party at Brandywine Elementary School is sponsored by the West Virginia NASA Space