We would like to let you know about an upcoming event at the Pendleton County Family Support Center on October 9th. There will be a "A Day of Learning" with presentations and information about connection and family.
*These presentations are available to anyone who wants more information.
*Lunch and refreshments will be provided and therefore individuals are encouraged to register for this event.
*For additional information, please see the attached flyer or visit : https://5il.co/2xtbs .
Our October menu is here!
Reminder! Basketball Packets were sent home earlier this month, for registration and volunteer options for Pendleton County Youth Basketball for our Pendleton County 1st and 2nd graders. Registration form, volunteer form, the physical and payments for registration are due by tomorrow, September 27th. Return and drop off information is included in the packet that your son or daughter brought home. For more information contact Bethany Whetzel at 304-668-9630 or Crystal Warner at 304-668-3648.
Please see the attached attendance letter with updates.
For the PDF version of this document head to our website: https://5il.co/2xia4
Mrs. Kimble worked with our 4th grade class on a STEM activity to promote teamwork and communication skills!
Reminder! Basketball Packets were sent out last week for registration and volunteer options for Pendleton County Youth Basketball for our Pendleton County 1st and 2nd graders. Registration form, volunteer form, the physical and payments for registration are due by September 27th. Return and drop off information is included in the packet that your son or daughter brought home. For more information contact Bethany Whetzel at 304-668-9630 or Crystal Warner at 304-668-3648.
This Thursday, September 19 from 6 to 7:30 pm there will be a girls' basketball flex practice at PCHS. This practice will be available for any 6th through 8th grade student interested in trying out for middle school girls' basketball this November.
Brandywine Elementary is so proud of our 5th and 1st grade classes for their dedication to their attendance! Our 5th grade class had a 100% attendance rate for the last two week period, while our 1st graders had an attendance rate of 99.6%!
Basketball Packets were sent out this week for registration and volunteer options for Pendleton County Youth Basketball for our Pendleton County 1st and 2nd graders. Registration form, volunteer form, the physical and payments for registration are due by September 27th. Return and drop off information is included in the packet that your son or daughter brought home. For more information contact Bethany Whetzel at 304-668-9630 or Crystal Warner at 304-668-3648.
BES Local School Improvement Committee (LSIC) will hold its first meeting of the year, Thursday, September 26th at 5:00pm in the library. Please contact Mr. Lambert at BES with any questions.
Families, please be watching for Interim reports coming home tomorrow, Friday, September 13th. Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth grade students will also be receiving their General Summative Assessment (GSA) results.
The 2nd grade class has earned their pajama day by completing their first attendance punchcard! They are the third class to have perfect attendance for a total of 10 days. Congratulations 2nd Grade!
Congratulations to 5th grade for being the second class to have perfect attendance for 10 days, completing their first punchcard and celebrating with a pajama day! Great job 5th grade!
Parents, don't forget picture day is tomorrow! You can order online or send payment with your child to school. For online orders head to: https://www.strawbridge.net/ Click "Order Pictures" and enter our school code: FM458172.
Congratulations to our 1st Grade class for completing their first attendance punchcard and getting to celebrate with their very own pajama day! In order to complete an attendance punchcard the entire class had to have perfect attendance for 10 days! Great job!
Here is the September lunch menu!
Each student will be bringing home a magnet with this year's calendar, an absence tracker, and a QR code to submit online absence notes. The link to submit absences online can be found on our county website and is also located below. Families who wish to submit a physical note to the school may still do so. All parent notes must be submitted within three days of the absence.
Mark your calendars, our Open House will be this Thursday, August 22nd from 6:00-7:15pm for students and families (K-6). This time will be used to meet teachers and visit classrooms. An ice cream sundae bar will also be provided. Doors will open at 5:45pm. We hope to see you all there!
Bus numbers and routes are now available. Follow the links below for more information.
Bus Routes: https://5il.co/xiqe
Bus Numbers: https://5il.co/2g2qe
Attached is the August menu to kick start the 2024-2025 school year. We are excited to see everyone back at school, next Friday, August 16th!