Taking advantage of the nice weather, the third graders at Brandywine Elementary created their own "polygon art" during math class!
Did you know today is National School Nurse Day?
Since 1972, National School Nurse Day has been set aside to recognize school nurses and was established to foster a better understanding of the role of school nurses in the educational setting.
School Nurse Day is celebrated on the Wednesday within National Nurses Week. National Nurses Week is May 6-12 each year.
Thank you Pendleton County Schools Nurses today, and everyday, for all your do for our student body!
Congratulations to these students for being chosen as the Perfectly Royal Attendance Winners for the month of April!
🍎✨ Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! 📚🌟
Let's take a moment to thank all the incredible educators who inspire, motivate, and shape our future every day. Thank you Pendleton County Teachers!
Any service personnel interested in being contacted for positions that may become available this summer should review the attached memo and submit the following application by Friday, May 17th.
For the application visit: https://5il.co/2k9pr
Exciting news from BES! The Brandywine Elementary Teacher of the Year is Mrs. Donita Kimble and Service Personnel of the Year is Mrs. Cindy Rexrode. We are so thankful for the impact these ladies make everyday. Congratulations! 🎉
Ready or not, our last menu of the 2023-2024 school year is here!
A special thank you to the American Woodmark Foundation for their donation of $1500 to our Communities in Schools program. We appreciate their support of our program.
Today is National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day, and Pendleton County Schools would like to thank our school bus drivers for all that they do to transport children safely every day. You are very much appreciated!
In-County Transfer Requests may now be made for the 2024-2025 school year. The deadline to submit a transfer request is June 30, 2024. Please visit the link below for the Open Enrollment form. https://www.pendletoncountyschools.com/page/in-out-of-county-transfers
We want to congratulate these students for being chosen as the Perfectly Royal Attendance Winners for February and March! Congratulations to you all!
Brandywine Students in Preschool through 2nd grade participated in a coloring contest for Autism Awareness while students in grades 3rd through 6th participated in a coloring contest for Child Abuse Prevention. Not pictured are winners Cayson Hevener and Nathan Puffenbarger.
Our annual Spring Concert and Class Plate Auction will take place Wednesday, April 24th at 6:00p.m. Doors will open to the public at 5:30p.m. We hope to see you there!
*Preschool's Class Plate will be auctioned off at the PK end of the year celebration.
The Brandywine School Association will meet Thursday, April 11th in the BES library at 6:00. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!
Enroll for Summer Success Academy Now!
We are excited to announce our Summer Success Academy will take place again this year from June 10-June 27, 2023 for upcoming K-12 graders. Current students in Grades 9-12 will focus on credit recovery. It is vital for interested families to fill out the survey using the link below, to enroll students. The deadline to enroll is Friday, April 26, 2024.
Summer Success Academy registration starts April 8th and will be open until April 26th. To register, go to the Pendleton County Schools website and a pop-up will appear. In addition, the registration link will be available on all school websites and school Facebook pages.
Our April menu is ready, don't forget to take a look to be ready for after Spring Break!
Don't forget--Today is PreK Registration at NFES and BES! Visit https://www.pendletoncountyschools.com/page/prek-registration for registration documents.
We want to congratulate these students on being chosen as winners for Young Writers! Also, a winner, but not pictured, is Cailee Armstrong. Congratulations to you all!
Pendleton County Schools will be operating on a two hour delay Thursday, March 21st.