North Fork teachers and staff welcomed families back into the building on Thursday August 17th. The staff worked hard all week creating bulletin boards and inviting spaces for their students to be successful for this coming school year. There were several stations set up besides visiting the classrooms. In the library, students were allowed to choose and take a home a FREE book while parents worked with Mrs. Cauley on technology questions compliments of our Title I program. There was also a table of school supplies compliments of local donations. The Cafeteria had a photo booth and a slide show of past field trips and events sponsored by the PTSO. Lastly the cafeteria also had an ice cream social sponsored by CIS, where families made ice cream sundaes and were able to sit and socialize with one another as well as speak with our new Music teacher; Ms. Gatian, CIS Counselor; Ms. Harper and School Counselor; Ms. Waddell. Overall we had a great turnout and we are all looking forward to our next event.

Open House Success
August 21, 2023