Seneca Johnson is the February James Huffman Responsible Student of the Month at PCHS. She is the daughter of Tim and Lori Johnson of Franklin. Seneca is a member of the Pep Club and Wayside Church. She enjoys hiking and traveling in a Jeep. Seneca plans to attend college to become a RN or anesthesiologist.
Natalie Evick is the February Academic Student of the Month at PCHS. She is the daughter of Julie Evick and the late Bobby Evick of Franklin. Natalie is a senior and an active member of National Honor Society. She volunteers at Faithful Friends Animal Clinic and is a coach at Raymond’s Gymnastics where she has been a gymnast for seven years. Natalie plans to attend West Virginia University, be accepted into veterinary school, and eventually become a veterinarian.

Ava Bowers is the PCMS Student of the Month for February. She is the daughter of Shaun and Leslie Bowers of Sugar Grove. Ava is a 7th grader, plays on the volleyball team, and proudly placed first in the Social Studies Fair. Outside of school, Ava enjoys spending time with her dog. At this time, Ava has plans to become an architect in the future.