The Turkey Trot at BES was a success last week. Check out these smiles 😀 class by class 🦃
about 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
The Turkey Trot at BES was a success last week! Check out these smiles 😃 class by class 🦃
about 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
The Turkey Trot has again been rescheduled due to weather forecast. It will now take place this Friday, Dec 3rd. Below is the schedule. Parents welcome. K 1:00-1:30 1st-2nd 1:30-2:00 3rd-4th 2:00-2:30 5th-6th 2:30-3:00 Also, the Holiday Food Drive starts tomorrow for C.A.N.
about 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
The Pendleton County Healthy Grandfamilies will meet on Tuesday Nov. 30th at 3:30 at Pendleton County Highschool. This program is open to all grandparents raising their grandchildren. Childcare will be provided. If you have not already registered with the program, please call 304-358-7072 to let us know you are coming.
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
December lunch menus are here for your planning purposes!
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
BES December Menu
Brandywine School Association Chicken BBQ tomorrow morning Saturday, November 20th. Please see attached details. Happy Thanksgiving!
about 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
The BES Turkey Trot is rescheduled for Friday, December 10th. We will follow the exact schedule that has already been sent home. Parents are still welcome to attend outside during their child’s 30 minute time slot.
about 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
School Messenger call this evening stated the following: Good Evening, this is Charles Hedrick, with an important message from Pendleton County Schools. Due to the rise of active Covid-19 cases in our schools, this Friday, November 19th, will be a remote learning day for our students. Faculty and Staff will report at their normally scheduled time. This will be one of our summer saver days.
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Reminder: The Healthy Grandfamilies Program will hold their first meeting tomorrow, Thursday Nov. 18 at 6:00 pm at the Pendleton County Board of Education Annex.
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Rec. league update for children signed up for Cheerleading in grades 3-6. Practice will start Tuesday, November 30th at 5:30pm in the High School Commons area. Please wear tennis shoes, gym clothes and bring a water bottle. Children must have physical paperwork turned in to participate.
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
4th graders are working in differentiated novel groups each day and 6th graders learned about complementary/supplementary angles.😃Progress is taking place everyday at BES, especially when our school wide attendance was at it’s highest percentage during the last 2 week period!👍
about 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
Friendly reminder, there will be a skills clinic held tomorrow morning, Saturday morning November 13th at PCMHS gym for players signed up for basketball in grades 3-6. The girls will be from 9-9:45 am. Boys will be from 10-10:45 am. The information gathered from this event will aide in sorting players for teams for the upcoming season. We will also double check information from registration as well as ask for two numbers that could be used for their shirt. Players should wear clean gym shoes free of debris, gym clothing, and bring their own water bottle. Parents should check in players in the lobby of the gym and then wait in the commons area until the staff is finished. If any questions, please contact Travis Heavner 304-358-2207 or Ryan Lambert at 304-249-5381.
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
The Healthy Grandfamilies Program will hold their first meeting on Thursday Nov. 18 at 6:00 pm at the Pendleton County Board of Education Annex. The program is open to all grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. Please call 304-358-7072 for more information or to let us know you are coming, so we know how many people to prepare for.
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Skills Clinic Update A skills clinic will be held this Saturday morning November 13th at PCMHS gym for players signed up for basketball in grades 3-6. The girls will be from 9-9:45 am. Boys will be from 10-10:45 am. The information gathered from this event will aide in sorting players for teams for the upcoming season. We will also double check information from registration as well as ask for two numbers that could be used for their shirt. Players should wear clean gym shoes free of debris, gym clothing, and bring their own water bottle. Parents should check in players in the lobby of the gym and then wait in the commons area until the staff is finished. If any questions, please contact Travis Heavner 304-358-2207 or Ryan Lambert at 304-249-5381.
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Proud of our BES students and staff! We are working hard everyday. 2nd grade used their ViewSonic board to practice states. 3rd grade worked on ChromeBooks in IXL math. 1st grade worked with Mrs. Hartman to learn about proper hand washing and took part in a First-Aid Training.
about 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
Rec. league update for children signed up for BASKETBALL in grades 3-6. Tentative skills clinic next Saturday morning November 13th starting at 9am in PCMHS gym. More details to come.
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Just a reminder, picture day will be tomorrow, Wednesday, November 3 at BES!
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Just a reminder that the deadline for county rec league sports is November 8th. Additional paperwork can be found here:
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Happy Halloween from the BES faculty and staff. We had a fun Friday celebrating Halloween, Red Ribbon Week (drug awareness), and Classroom AR Points. We hope all had an enjoyable and safe holiday weekend! 😄
about 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
Red Ribbon and Halloween week here at BES have been awesome 😃 Sergeant Teter and Mrs. Rice did drug awareness lessons school wide. Preschool enjoyed fun Halloween activities on Thursday and each class enjoyed Mr. Kimble’s Halloween games in the gym. Smiles all around! 👍
about 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
Mrs. Rice reads to 1st
1st in web
Sergeant Teter
PK Celebration