Today's the day! You don't want to miss the presentation this evening, October 21st at 6:30pm in the PCMHS auditorium by author and presenter, Jesse Weinberger. Just a reminder, this presentation is for parents ONLY and childcare will be available for school aged children.
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Picture day at BES will be Wednesday, October 3rd! Paperwork was sent home with students for ordering. If you need further information, please contact the school.
about 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
Picture Day
Have you heard about the Boogieman? Think "he's" not real? According to Jesse Weinberger (Big Mama), 'he' is real and exists in your child's back pocket! Don't miss "Big Mama's" presentation on internet safety this Thursday, October 21st at 6:30pm in the PCMHS auditorium. The program is for parents only and childcare will be available. To learn more, visit her site:
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Have you heard about the Boogieman? Think "he's" not real? According to Jesse Weinberger (Big Mama), 'he' is real and exists in your child's back pocket! Don't miss "Big Mama's" presentation on internet safety this Thursday, October 21st at 6:30pm in the PCMHS auditorium. The program is for parents only and childcare will be available. To learn more visit her site:
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Students should have brought home registration forms for the Rec Basketball and Cheerleading Program. If this form didn't make it home, or you need additional copies, you can find the documents here
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Last week Kindergarten enjoyed a Butterfly activity and snack. Looks fun! Students pictured in the gym received GSA certificates. These students scored at or above proficiency on the end of the year General Summative Assessment (GSA). Way to go 👍
about 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
Snack 3
Snack 1
Snack 2
There will be a BSA meeting this Thursday, October 14th. The meeting will be held in the BES library at 6:00. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Masks will be required.
about 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
Red Ribbon Week is approaching! Attached is the schedule for our Theme/Spirit Days for October 25-October 29.
about 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
Red Ribbon Week Spirit Days
Community notice: Youth basketball and cheerleading rec league will be moving forward with their season. This will be for students in grades 3-6. More information and registration will be sent home later this week.
about 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Wonderful things happening in Mrs. Smith’s preschool classroom! Mr. Eason’s class working on Novel Groups and taking advantage of comfortable library furniture while working on AR points👌 Smiles all the way around at BES 😁
over 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
5th grade
5th Grade 2
Preschool 2
So proud of our BES students! Books in hand, reading everyday, and AR points displayed on desks 📕😄
over 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
AR Library
AR points
AR points 2
AR Library 2
Please plan to join us for Jesse Weinberger's presentation on October 21st at 6:30pm in Pendleton County Middle High School auditorium. This humorous and insightful presentation will be focused on internet safety for parents and keeping our students safe online.
over 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Jesse Weinberger Flyer
Students at BES are lucky to have an opportunity to learn and be exposed to new instruments this year ❤️👍😀
over 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
BES music ukuleles
PCMHS Travel Club is excited to announce their trip in July of 2023 to London, Paris, Florence, and Rome. There will be an informational meeting October 20, 2021 at 6pm in the PCMHS auditorium. Students currently in grades 6-12 are eligible. Please see the attached poster for more details.
over 3 years ago, Pendleton County Middle/High School
Extra! Extra! October menus are here!
over 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
BES Menu
FES Menu
Wow! What a busy week for our BES students 😀 Mr. Eason’s class is using Breakout Rooms on Schoology. Mr. Kimble has our students rolling in PE. Mrs. Simmons did a Science/RLA activity with Slime. Mrs. Melissa Hartman did a Body Safety presentation. Awesome week!!!
over 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
Breakout Room
Body Safety
Slime Science
6th Grade Rada Fundraiser This year our fundraising efforts will be done a little differently than previous years. Per CDC Covid guidelines we DO NOT encourage students to go door to door selling items and prefer orders to be done online through the following link. 09/24/2021 thru 10/21/2021 **If you have someone who cannot order online and needs to use the paper form, we will still accept these orders and they can be sent to school attention Krista Owens**
over 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Rada Magazine Cover
Our BES 2nd graders had a fun and educational trip to Fort Seybert this past week in preparation for the Treasure Mountain Festival. A huge thank you to Mrs. Jane Conrad for a presentation at school and making the trip a success!
over 3 years ago, Brandywine Elementary School
MrsConrad visits 2nd grade
MrsConrad Visits 2nd Grade
Fort Seybert
Ft Seybert
Please see the attached note from Mr. Hedrick on updated mask guidance and new mask protocols in Pendleton County Schools.
over 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Letter from Mr. Hedrick
Does your family have cell phone service but not the best internet? Pendleton County Schools is looking for information from our families to possibly help get more hotspots in our community! Please fill out the survey below if you think your family would benefit from this service. Cut off to complete this survey will be this Friday, September 17th at 4PM. **Please note: If this survey is not filled out, you will not be eligible for a hotspot if/when they become available later.
over 3 years ago, Pendleton County Schools
Picture of Survey