November 2, 2023
It is almost time to turn back our clocks. Before it's time, Pendleton County High School is going to back it up and recognize September's Students of the Month! September 202...

November 1, 2023
Pendleton County Schools is delighted to announce with great enthusiasm the arrival of Penny, an adorable school dog, who will play a vital role in bolstering our efforts to suppo...

October 16, 2023
Attention Wildcat Fans: The boys and girls middle and high school basketball teams are joining forces to provide you with the chance to purchase Wildcat Appeal. The fundraising ev...

September 28, 2023
Students in the PCMHS family observed Suicide Prevention Month, by collectively coloring large affirmation posters displayed in the commons area by Communities In Schools. ...
September 27, 2023
The 1st and 2nd grade rec league is getting ready to begin again. Sign up forms for students in 1st and 2nd grade and adult volunteer forms are due by October 6th. Forms and money...

September 26, 2023
Ms. Judy Bowyer and Ms. Judy Mathias from the South Branch Valley Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) donated leggings and shorts to the PCMHS Communities In Schools clothi...

September 12, 2023
Pendleton County High School partnered with The West Virginia Associate of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (WVACRAO) to offer the Fall College Fair to Juniors and Se...

September 5, 2023
Mark your calendars for our 2023 PCMHS Homecoming Week - September 18 - 22, 2023. This year we would like to offer to the public the opportunity to purchase a Homecoming shirt. ...

September 1, 2023
Welcome to Pendleton County Middle High School Hudl TV
This link will provide access to all of Pendleton County Sports through the 2023-2024 School Year.
Be on the ...

August 29, 2023
Meet Penny. In a news briefing on August 28th, 2023, Governor and First Lady Justice announced the planned gifting of Penny, a trained school therapy dog, to Pendleton County Midd...

August 7, 2023
Pendleton County Middle High School will be holding a back to school open house and resource fair next Wednesday, August 16th from 4-6pm. This time will allow students and familie...

July 8, 2023
Just a reminder Pendleton County will be offering a basketball camp this summer from Monday, July 24 through Friday, July 28. The camp will run from 8:30-12:00 and will cost $50 p...

July 8, 2023
If you are interested in enrolling your child in Pendleton County Schools for the upcoming 2023-2024 School Year, please see the dates and times below. Wednesday, August 2, 2023...

July 5, 2023
We would like to recognize Dylan Eye, our 1st place winner in the 7-8 category for the 2023 West Virginia Young Writers Contest. Dylan had the opportunity to attend the State You...
June 15, 2023
Below is a copy of the policy the Pendleton County Board of Education has implemented in response to the requirements of §18-5-16 which stipulate that all county school systems sh...

June 14, 2023
On Tuesday, June 13 the Pendleton County School Board held the Annual Retirement/Personnel Dinner and Awards Ceremony at the South Fork Ruritan Building. The 2022-2023 Pendlet...

May 25, 2023
PCMHS students who had an attendance rate over 95% were randomly selected throughout the school year to win an attendance incentive award. The grand prize was a TV, won by Tildon ...

May 25, 2023
We are excited to announce the return of our Youth Cheer Camp! July 24-27, 2023 - 4 -7 p.m. at Pendleton County Middle High School for students entering grades K-6. If you a...

May 18, 2023
Congratulations to Skyler Frame for having the winning ticket in our recent Wildcat Raffle. Thank you to Christina Chan for donating the items for the raffle. Let’s go Wildca...

May 10, 2023
April Students of the Month
Senior, Emma Daughtry, is the April Academic Student of the Month at Pendleton County Middle High School. She is the daughter of Darren and A...